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Russian cinemas are introducing face recognition
Source:http://www.malls.ru/ From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2018/06/21

Russian cinemas are introducing face recognition, with that the cinemas will be able to monitor attendance as well as generate proper advertisement in the movie theaters.

The largest Russian cinema chains are testing a new technology — biometric face recognition. Such technology had already been deployed in the federal cinema chains, such as “Formula Kino”,” “Karofilm,” as well as in the smaller regional chains such as “Cinema 5”.  The cinemas are using their own technology which includes cameras deployed in movie theaters and neurаl networks in order to analyze the number of people, their age and gender.

With face recognition the cinemas will be able to monitor attendance as well as generate proper advertisement in the movie theaters and plan their repertoire.  Analysts note that video analysis which recently became popular in retail is becoming more and more important for cinemas. It helps establish an entirely new way of communication with the audience, raising the medium check, and bring back customers more often.

Today a pilot version of the technology called VisionLabs is deployed within the chain “Karofilm”.  “Formula Kino” is using their own technology, while “Cinema 5” uses technological solutions from the IT-firm CVizi.  Experts say that today the purpose of making advertisements in cinemas in accordance with video analysis data is not yet plain to see.