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Joint venture Siemens and "Power machines" began localization of manufacturing turbines in Russia
Source:kommersant From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2019/08/19

"Siemens gas turbine technology" (STGT; SP Siemens and PJSC "Power machines"),   on July 2    filed an application to the Ministry (MINPROMTORG)  a statement on the conclusion of specinvestcontract  (SPIK) on the localization of gas turbines of high power (GTBM). According to the contract, until the middle of 2023 it is planned to localize the components of the "hot path" and the automatic control system of the sgt5-2000E turbine.

As expected, the level of localization of the SGT-2000E turbine at the STGT plant will be at least 90%. "Russia is creating a full-cycle production ecosystem for the production of high-capacity turbines, which will contribute not only to the production of e-class turbines, but also to the modernization of the energy industry, as well as to the growth of the country's export potential," Interfax reports Siemens.

Why the government did not limit the share of foreigners in the joint venture to localize gas turbines

The company has identified potential suppliers to localize components of the "hot gas path" (blades, inner casing, and burners of the combustion chamber, gas distributor, a mixing casing of the combustion chamber). Manufacturing of blades, in particular, can do PJSC "UEC-Saturn", which has already received technical documentation for registration of the commercial offer. Also, the documents were sent to JSC "Metalist-Samara" and several potential manufacturers of ceramic tiles.

Earlier, Siemens said about the readiness to localize 100% of the production of gas turbines to the 2024-2025 year. Now the localization of the most popular turbine in the country — SGT5-2000E with a capacity of 187 MW — is 62%.

Recall, the Ministry of industry estimated the future market of GTBM in Russia in 80 units by 2035. According to the calculations of the Ministry, it will require the order of 42 turbines — this, according to the Agency, is enough to recoup investments in the creation of Russian gas TURBINES.


Source: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/4026334