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An Israeli device called “Kleresca - green cosmetics” started doing Natural healing of the facial skin, which is damaged due to the daily use of face masks
Source:laserclinics From:Taiwan Trade & Innovation Center, Tel Aviv Update Time:2020/10/01

Following the "green cosmetics" trend in the world and in Israel as well, a groundbreaking treatment is currently being launched in Israel for the "acne" - a common skin disease. The face, without the use of chemicals.

Kleresca is a device (registered as a patent in Israel) that converts light energy (LED) into active substances that accelerate the natural healing process of the facial skin, without the use of chemicals. This bio photodynamic treatment is based on an exclusive patent in which light technology stimulates biochemical processes in skin cells. During the treatment, an active gel is being put on the relevant area, according to the right indication, for 9 minutes. The light energy activates the active ingredients in the gel which act into the deep layers of the skin. The treatment process is short, non-invasive, painless and without any recovery period.

The device also improves the skin texture with an innovative and groundbreaking ways of treatments, that heals common skin problems that are now common during the COVID-19 period, such as: active acne, rosacea, improving the texture and quality of the skin. In addition, this device supports and restores the skin before and after aesthetic treatments.

Clinical studies have shown that subjects and patients who have been treated with Kleresca green cosmetics have significantly improved the appearance of their acne. The use of this method upgrades the appearance of the skin quality, while improving the appearance of wrinkles and reducing the size of the pores.

The device and the technology are made in Denmark with CE approval and the Israeli Ministry of Health approval. The Price for a treatment is 1,200 NIS.

