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A Chinese company will invest $ 106 million in the Israeli semiconductors company Inuitive
Source:Taiwan Trade & Innovation Center, Tel Aviv From:Taiwan Trade & Innovation Center, Tel Aviv Update Time:2020/12/19

The Chinese company Yinniu Microelectronics has invested $ 106 million in the Israeli company Inuitive, leaded by the Israeli entrepreneurs Shlomo Gadot and Dor Tzafniuk. The Chinese company consists of a consortium of companies that serve as Inuitive's customers. The company, founded in 2012, has raised $ 103 million so far, and the Chinese investment is actually doubling its fundraising money.

Innovative develops chips for 3D vision, computer vision and artificial intelligence. Its developed chips are integrated with virtual reality glasses, skimmers, face recognition systems, smart cameras and more. The chips actually give the ability to analyze the environment similar to a human.

Inuitive employs 65 people, most of them in Ra’anana city in Israel. The company also has a branch in Shenzhen, China, which will be relocated to Shanghai following the investment. The field of chips for three-dimensional computer vision and artificial intelligence is of great interest to the Chinese today. Some of them are one of the company’s big customers and this investment is very strategic for them. This investment might bring the company to the big Chinese market. They believe they can be issued in the Chinese market at a fantastic value.

Shlomo Gadot admits that the corona has also hurt Inuitive company, which has not yet reached profitability. He hopes that through the investment they will be able to set an example that Israeli entrepreneurship finds its way into the huge Chinese market and will lead to huge success for the initiative and cooperation of other Israeli companies with the Chinese market.
On the other side, Yinniu Microelectronics Chairman Ko Kwan Chang said that they have no doubt that cooperation with Israeli companies will bear fruit in the coming years. They are following the Israeli industry and now is the time for further cooperation in the field of chips