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European Economic Congress back to classic format, alongside online access
Source:CEE newsletter From:Taiwan Trade Center, Warsaw Update Time:2022/06/14

The city of Katowice, Poland, has once again hosted the 14th edition of European Economic Congress. The high-profile, three-day event takes place once a year and includes debates, discussions and events related to the present and future of Europe. The Congress was once again held in traditional on-site formula and promised a plethora of panelists, including the representatives of European Comission and five other European countries, as well as strong representation of Polish government officials. The participants have agreed that despite the ubiquity of modern technology that allows people to meet online, such methods cannot replace traditional face-to-face discussions.

This year’s agenda was heavily influenced by the situation in Ukraine, which was reflected by the title of the opening debate: "War in Europe. A plan for Ukraine." The ideas of support and rebuilding the war-torn country, as well as the issues of energetic safety of European nations, heavily dependent on bilateral trade with Russia, became the backbone of this year’s discussion. Wojciech Kuśpik, one of the founders of the Congress, emphasized that every sphere of our lives is succeptible to the changing geopolitical situation in the region – from energy security and broken supply chains, through dealing with refugees and social politics of host countries, up to the internal EU politics that may require adjustments in many different aspects.

Apart from that, the three-day event also discussed smart city development, modern solutions for business and international economic cooperation, above other topics. The congress included 150 sessions with 1,000 speakers, and attracted 15,000 participants, including 9,000 in person and 6,000 online, with numbers not seen since the beginning of pandemic. These statistics confirm the continuing interest and high expectations towards this major event.

Source: https://invest.katowice.eu/podsumowanie-xiv-europejskiego-kongresu-gospodarczego/