
  • 主題:Looking for Taiwan pet food, dietary supplement and cleaning tools
  • 發布日期:2020/07/13
  • 商機類型:
  • 建議價格:0
  • 付款方式:
  • 數量:0
  • 產品詳細說明:

    Kwok Nung Trading Limited has been established in Hong Kong since 2016. The company established Happiness, which means happiness is in every corner of the world, we found them, now we want to share it with you. our mission is to search through worldwide, try our best to find every little bit of happiness we can, then share them in case people missing. We truly hope to see the hint of smile on your face after opening each little bag from "Happiness Mart", cause you will find the piece of happiness we put in there!

  • 相關網址:http://www.happinessmart.hk/