
  • 主題:looking for Cultural Chinese herbs, health products and dried seafood
  • 發布日期:2017/04/29
  • 商機類型:
  • 建議價格:0
  • 付款方式:
  • 數量:0
  • 產品詳細說明:

    looking for Cultural Chinese herbs, health products and dried seafood

    Wai Yuen Tong is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) manufacturer of venerable vintage, Throughout the years, we have always been innovative at the same time as we uphold our finest traditions. The company was founded during the Qing dynasty, in the twenty-third year of the Guangxu reign period (1897), by a government official Li Changhou and several likeminded friends.

  • 相關網址:http://www.wyt.com.hk/en/business/company/