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The importance of quality printing in business
Source:minuteman press From:Taipei World Trade Center Liaison Office in Chennai Update Time:2018/12/28
Source :minuteman press

Printing has become a lot more accessible to the general public in recent years, with printing even possible directly from some modern smart phones. While home printing may be adequate for personal use, it is a different ball game for people using printing services to market their business. Businesses will always be in need of quality printing products, as well as the expertise and advice that they can expect with doing business with a professional print company.

It has been suggested that the way tickets or invitations look might very well play a part in whether or not a person buys them. A unique and dramatic looking invitation will get the attention of those who receive them. This is especially important if it is an invitation for a charity fundraiser. Attractive printing products always grab attention, which bodes well for a company, and this is particularly the case with business publications and business cards. Cards printed on quality paper make a good first impression on those who receive them, whereas self-printed cards can often look cheap and unprofessional, and make people wonder about the quality of the products and services they will receive from the company.

A quality printed flyer will also help to attract more customers, and a professional printing company can advise on every aspect of the flyers, including design, type face, illustrations, colour of type, type of paper best used, and even the color of the paper. A business will not get the same type of professional advice by looking at various websites for information.

Today’s marketplace is filled with a huge number of products, which can make it hard for a business to stand apart from the rest. It can have the greatest product in the world, but that counts for little if no one knows about it.

Branding can help to get a company noticed, but care should be taken, especially when it comes to colour choice. Here are a few points to consider before sending off a marketing project to the print company:

Colour choice is a way to send a message without ever having to say a word. Different shades can be associated with different emotions and meanings, so it’s important to choose one that is a good fit with what a business is trying to convey to consumers.

Red is often associated with high energy and action, and has been found to stimulate the viewer’s appetite. This makes it a good choice for a business such as a restaurant. Many see yellow as a cheery colour, and it conveys a message of warmth, comfort, sunshine and bright summer days.

Green is a popular choice, and is often used to let people know a product is environmentally friendly. Blue is often chosen too, but it does tend to be overused. Combining it with another colour can be highly effective.

While in the West, purple is often seen as a luxurious and royal shade, some cultures associated it with mourning, so care should be taken when adding it to marketing materials.

A printing company’s design team will be able to incorporate these, and many other shades, into the logos and other promotional products it creates. It can also offer helpful advice and a full line of printing services.


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