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Amazon inaugurates its largest distribution center in Latin America and is in Mexico
Source:El Financiero From:Taiwan Trade Center Mexico Update Time:2019/09/07
Amazon inaugurates its largest distribution center in Latin America, photo by El Financiero.

Alfredo del Mazo, Governor of the State of Mexico, along with Luis Correa, Director of Operations of Amazon in Mexico and several other local officials and leaders of the community of Tepotzotlán, opened the new center of the e-commerce company.

Amazon´s new facilities have almost 100,000 m2, and are part of one of the four buildings that the company owned by Jeff Bezos has in the State of Mexico. Together, the buildings represent a total investment of more than USD $125 million.

Inside this new center, essential processes take place so that each one of the orders made from the website in the country is attended faster so that the delivery can be made as soon as possible to the customer.

First, a receiving process takes place in which all products arrive at the center to be scanned and thus generate an inventory; a fun fact is that objects are organized according to their time of arrival, so on the same shelf there can be toys, books, videogames, etc.

Having another building allows the company to generate a much faster customer service, but also to offer a wider range of products available. “Our objective is to bring more new products. Our selection now is of 50 million things to choose from, but nationwide we can bring much more and keep growing. As the demand and the need increases, we´re going to improve in speed and efficiency,” concluded Correa.

