
  • 主題:P COLUMN (APP) (ENGLISH) -Creative critics build on delicate hand-drawing pic.
  • 發布日期:2020/01/02
  • 商機類型:
  • 建議價格:0
  • 付款方式:
  • 數量:0
  • 產品詳細說明:

    P COLUMN (APP) is an extreme product, “column on pic”. That means words build on delicate hand-drawing pics through computer software, and scope on unique critics of life splurge. Each P COLUMN has “ENGLISH” version (APP). 1 set-30 pieces

    TPGE, INC.is in great ambitions to produce P COLUMN. P COLUMN is an extreme product, “column on pic”, that will be sold in APP (GOOGLE PLAY OR APPLE STORE). Moreover, our branch-B2B ACTS- is also working on some other newest merchandises! Global lovers please to hold patience. Thanks so much.

  • 相關網址:http://tpgeapp.diytrade.com/sdp/2938589/4/main-7779764/0/Home.html